Get Involved!
There are many ways that you can answer the call to help the villagers in Southern Guatemala.

How can you help?
In the village: Participate in one of our annual trips to the village, giving of your talents and time. Teams are built based on the specialized and general skills needed on the mission trip.
At Home: Your help is needed for fundraising activities, collecting and packing mission goods, building public awareness, or serving on the board and committees.

Mabel, Volunteer
Hope indicates possibility and I see that all the time through the creative responses of Guatemala Hope.

Scott, Member
I have never seen such happy and grateful children as the ones in El Triunfo. It's an honour to be a part of Guatemala Hope!

Rachel, Volunteer
I treasure the friends I have made through Guatemala Hope in Canada and in Guatemala.

Alejandra, Volunteer
I really loved the experience; as a matter of fact, I've been waiting for the team all year long to come back!